Classical Pilates for Modern Life
(Harmonious Pilates, Inc. original publication)

by Joanna Telacka
Classical Pilates Teacher
Business Owner
November 16th, 2023
Shining light on Pilates truths, honoring Joseph Pilates,
and supporting you in your Pilates journey.
Imagine if you could do Pilates with no neck pain
Imagine if you could do Pilates without neck pain or discomfort.
Most of the Pilates is done lying down on the back, and for best results, many exercises call for lifting the head up and holding it up for the duration of the exercise.
That causes a problem for many people who would love to practice Pilates but.... the neck always hurts either during or after the session and since they have no skills to deal with the issue, they either resign themselves to never lifting their head up while performing Pilates exercises or abandon the method altogether thinking that it is simply not for them.
In most cases though, muscle weakness and poor body mechanics are at the root of the problem. These issues can be addressed and improved with skilled coaching and careful practice.
The human body is an intricate machine, fragile but at the same time sturdy because muscles support its delicate components. The muscles can be trained and coached to get stronger so that the body as a unit can better withstand the effects of everyday use as well as the unexpected demands of life.
Resolving to never use the neck to hold the head while exercising isn’t a way to live. It is a path to becoming more frailed and physically vulnerable in the long run.
Here are some practical steps to working towards having a stronger neck.
It takes getting used to having the head elevated so "faking " the position by propping the body up is a good start. Using Half Barrel or pillows can be very effective.

Next, comes learning how to lift and hold the head up while in the supine position. That involves strengthening the upper part of the abdominals and stretching the muscles of the neck.
This exercise called "Head Curls with Towel" is a great tool to do so.

The next step after mastering the "Head Curls with Towel" is to be able to keep the legs up to activate the lower abdominals.

The result: Stronger neck and abdominals. No neck pain or discomfort. Being able to hold the head up becomes a welcomed reality.

Joseph Pilates on his method of Contrology
"Ideally, our muscles should obey our will. Reasonably, our will should not be dominated by the reflex actions of our muscles. When brain cells are developed, the mind too is developed. Teachers start with sense organs. Contrology begins with mind control over muscles."
"Return To Life"
My two cents and
Your first step toward a lasting change
Pilates IS the best movement technique for those who cannot move.
Improvement like this is never a quick victory. It takes months of learning, understanding, and practicing. So it naturally takes patience, persistence, and dedication. To overcome a weakness means to develop trust, in the method and in the guidance of the teacher.
A skilled teacher will guide, cue, and provide imagery, visual, and hands-on feedback to teach your body how to move correctly, and how to execute movements you didn’t know you could do. They will break down the exercises into the smallest increments and the tiniest movements that you can complete successfully and without pain or discomfort. They will teach you how to access muscles you didn’t know you had and they will help you overcome your fear.
As with any aspect of classical Pilates, progress is built on being ready to change the way we think about a movement that looks and sounds familiar but when learned, understood, and executed, feels completely new and different.
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My goal is to reach as many people as I can to help them have a better quality of life through Pilates philosophy and movement technique.
Thank you :)
Copyright@Harmonious Pilates, Inc 2023